Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The 2010 race season is rapidly approaching

It may seem like a long way off until the season opener for the Lake States Mud Racers but it will be here quicker than you think. A lot of preparation goes into a racer for a seasons worth of racing and it's easy to underestimate the time involved. I'm sure many of you are ready and waiting but there's probably some who are wrapping up a few or many loose ends.
If you're ready and waiting, good for you. If you've still got a long a way to go, I know what it's like. In my years of racing it was not uncommon to be putting in the motor the night before opening night or wrenching on the car on the trailer before it went to the track.
Here's a word to the wise, don't be like me, it makes for long season and it seems as if you never get back on top of things. Yes, I know it's easier said than done but I wouldn't be saying it hadn't I gone through it myself. I have faith though, and know I will see everyone out and ready on opening day.
I'm really looking forward to the Lake States Mud Racers opening event, I know it's going to be as exciting as usual and I'd like to wish the best to all the racers for the 2010 season and hope to see you all at the races.

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