Sunday, January 31, 2010

BMW Motorrad 2006

In Malandrone, Tuscany, the BMW Motorrad Offroad managed a virtually perfect start to the 2006 season.

BMW Motorrad Offroad
In the 2nd round of the Italian Cross Country Championship (ICC), Simo Kirssi missed first place by a hair´s breadth - but the first victory on a BMW HP2 at a cross country race was in the air.

Italian Cross Country Championship ICC
In excellent conditions, the "Flying Finn" finished in an outstanding second place in the overall rankings on his HP2.

Simo Kirssi HP2
In addition to Simo Kirssi, guest rider Gerhard Forster represented the BMW Motorrad Team Offroad and finished in 10th position on a standard HP2 in the Professional Class.

HP2 in the Professional Class
From the start, Kirssi showed what is possible with the HP2 against the single cylinder sport enduros.

single cylinder sport enduros
From the Le Mans start area he was fourth away on his 3-cylinder flat twin in a field of almost 100.

Le Mans 3-cylinder
So things started well, with three Italians ahead of him - two of whom were no problem at all and were forced take a look at Simo from behind shortly afterwards.

Only Matteo Paoletti, leader of the ICC overall ranking to date, defended his position for almost an hour against the sonorous flat twin roar until he too was finally beaten and had to hand over the leadership to Kirssi.

While the top riders in the field took the many table jumps on the rather cross-oriented and narrow track at heights of three metres and lengths of 15 metres, the BMW Motorrad factory pilot flew up to four metres high at lengths of 20 metres.

Matteo Paoletti ICC
The fans at the trackside were repeatedly in awe at such impressive jumps and most riders respectfully gave way to this huge bundle of power when they were overtaken or lapped.

HP2 race
The HP2 was the eyecatcher of the race.

two-hour racing distance
After an hour and 45 minutes of the two-hour racing distance, everything seemed to be decided.

BMW Motorrad 2006 Kirssi
Kirssi led with a lead of about 30 seconds over the rider assumed to be in second place.

Denis Pregnolato
However, the latter - namely - Denis Pregnolato - was able to close up on Kirssi from nowhere.

Kirssi 2
After a brief struggle, Kirssi let him pass and had to make do with second place himself.

"I´m very happy with this race," said the taciturn Finn at the end of the race - in other words "almost perfect". The first victory on the HP2 in a cross country really is in the air...

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